
Throughout the years, we get aske these questions a lot: #where_do_you_get_your_protein? #Do_vegetarians_or_vegan_get_enough_protein?


Grains and legumes are rich in high quality protein. According to the dietary guidelines recommended by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), as long as we maintain a balanced diet, that is, to have these four categories of foods every day: #grains_legumes_vegetables_and_fruits, as well as appropriate intake of B12(Note 1), we can easily get all the nutrients we need.


In fact, according to studies, average vegetarians and vegans' protein intake are far more than their daily requirements (Note 2). Most Americans' real issue is not getting enough of fibers, only found in plant-bases sources, rather than protein. As long as we maintain a balanced diet, choose whole grains, low fat and plant-based, avoid processed foods, and supplement vitamin B12, strengthen iron absorption by eating along with foods rich in vitamin C (i.e. oranges), use less oil and salt, avoid cooking with high temperatures...etc, a plant-based diet can prevent and reverse many common diseases (Note 3).



Note 1. The Power Plate by PCRM


Note 2. Do vegetarians get enough protein?


Note 3. Uprooting the leading causes of death by Dr. Michael Greger


Top 20 vegan protein sources -


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