



的朋友們,就繼續看下去! 🤠

因為很想炒出一盤全素無蛋的蕃茄炒"蛋",我們曾經試過市面上賣的全素食蛋(vegan eggs)。當時的感想是好吃歸好吃,也很像蛋。可是烹煮時間好長,才炒出一點點。去年我偶然在爬溫哥華本地的全素社團文章時,發現有人推薦使用這兩個很酷的香料,薑黃粉(tumeric)跟黑鹽(black salt),做蛋的顏色和味道替代品。瞬間我才明瞭,原來溫哥華這麼多西式素餐廳可以做出全素炒蛋(scrambled eggs),還這麼像,原來是用了這兩個秘密香料武器來煮豆腐!!!


- 硬豆腐 (350 克) 捏碎
- 嫩豆腐 (350 克) 捏碎
- 菜脯 (227 克) (可以自製哦!之後分享)
- 2 tsp 薑黃粉
- 4 tsp 黑鹽(black salt)/印度火山石鹽(kala mamak)
- 1/4 tsp 醬油膏
- 2 tbsp 糖 (註: 目的是中和菜脯的鹹味,可以把菜脯泡水泡久一點去除鹹味,糖就可以減量)
- 少許油

🌟1. 在一油鍋中,將菜脯放入翻炒至金黃色
🌟2. 加入捏碎的硬豆腐跟嫩豆腐,薑黃粉,黑鹽,醬油膏和糖
🌟3. 炒至顏色均勻金黃即可起鍋。請享用!

再加上幾道其他的清炒小菜,就變成一頓美味的全素蔬食菜脯蛋套餐啦! 開動 ❤️

- 具有預防心髒病,阿爾茨海默氏病和癌症的潛力
- 可有效的抗發炎和抗氧化
- 有助於改善抑鬱症和關節炎的症狀等等

- 有助於降低膽固醇,高血壓,糖尿病
- 抑制胃灼熱
- 有助減肥 
- 防止肌肉痙攣和抽筋 
- 幫助排便 
- 幫助消化
- 促進頭髮健康等等

🥦Vegan Radish Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Want to have a healthy and delicious vegan radish scrambled eggs combo at home? Wait no more!

I'm super excited to introduce two super cool, super cool, super cool (so much I need to repeat it many times to emphasize it) spices with powerful health benefits to everyone. If you are someone who is: 

(a) a vegan but miss the dishes with eggs,
(b) an animal lover who want to end the miseries of hens and chicks,
(c) concerned about the health impacts of the animal fat and cholesterol in eggs and want to reduce egg consumption, or
(d) simply curious to try the recipe
Then you'll be interested to know more.

For years, I've been looking for a good egg replacement in making the traditional Taiwanese dish, fried egg with tomatoes, as it was one of my favorite dishes. We have tried some of the vegan egg products on the market. One of its taste and texture came very close, but it took such a long time to cook with very little portion. Last year, I found recommendations from a local group, Vancouver Vegans, to use these two cool spices: turmeric powder and black salt, to make egg color and taste substitutes. I realized how they were the secret weapons that all these Western vegetarian restaurants can make such tasty vegan scrambled eggs. All it takes is these two secret spices with tofu!!! Now, let's take a look at how easy it is to prepare.

🥦Vegan Radish Scrambled Eggs (6 servings) 😋:

🍉 Ingredients: 
- Firm tofu (350 g) crushed 
- Soft or medium firm tofu (350 g) crushed 
- Preserved radish (227 g) (you can make your own! I'll share it some other time) 
- 2 tsp turmeric powder
- 4 tsp black salt (kala mamak)
- 1/4 tsp soy paste
- 2 tbsp sugar (note: the purpose is to neutralize the salty taste of preserved radish, you can soak the preserved radish in water for a longer time to remove the salty taste, then the amount of sugar required could be reduced) 
- A little bit of oil 

🍉 Steps: 
🌟1. In a heated pan, stir fry the radish until it turns golden brown
🌟2. Add in crushed firm tofu and medium firm tofu, turmeric powder, black salt, soy paste and sugar 
🌟3. Stir fry until the color is even and golden, then it's ready to be served. Enjoy! 

With a few other stir-fried homemade side dishes, you can easily enjoy a perfectly delicious vegan Radish Scrambled Eggs combo at home! Bon appétit ❤️
 Health benefits of tumeric:
- can potentially prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancers
- anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
- help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis...etc.

Health benefits of black salt:
- helps lowering cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and diabetes
- reduces heartburn 
- aids weight loss
- prevents muscle spasms and cramps
- prevents constipation
- helps with digestion
- promotes healthy hair...etc.




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